Créaquartier's successful apprenticeship program

Supported by the Veolia Foundation, Créaquartier is rapidly developing: the fourth and fifth classes of its digital screen printing program will have ended by the summer and an additional employee will strengthen the team of supervisors.

They both graduated from business school and are committed to helping young people in the nineteenth arrondissement of Paris. Lucas Gorsky and Jonathan Verger, the founders of the Créaquartier association in 2013, aim to support young people in the nineteenth arrondissement of Paris who have dropped out of school. Supported by the Foundation, it has designed a concrete, effective, and free education program based on a network of neighborhood businesses that have accepted to take on young people in training. Mornings are devoted to learning about a promising field and afternoons are used for personal development workshops and introductions to entrepreneurship.

The Jeun_ESS_Créative program, which offers training in digital screen printing, is a real success. The fourth class will begin the program in April and a fifth will begin it in June. Young people create visuals and logos which are then printed on textile supports such as tee-shirts and tote bags.

The activity has sparked some enthusiasm and a partnership was signed with the Mission Locale of Paris in early 2017. Under the "Youth Guarantee" scheme, Créaquartier receives between 10 and 20 young people sent by the Mission every month.

The association now has another employee to help supervise them. This new recruitment also makes it possible to envisage the future: Créaquartier is considering a six-month training course on developer jobs and it could also move to larger premises. The ambition can be summarized in a few words: provide a youth in difficulty with training in tomorrow's trades.

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