Veoliaforce volunteer on assignment in Ukraine

Once deployed, the five Aquaforces 2,000 can meet the vital drinking water needs of a population of 10,000.
Marie Gaveriaux
Digital Product Owner, Veolia Water Technologies


On June 6, the Ukrainian population suffered terrible floods after the destruction of the Kakhova dam. In support of the solidarity operations carried out by the Crises and Support Center (CDCS) of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Veolia Foundation provided mobile water treatment units.

These units - Aquaforces 2000 - can supply up to 10,000 people, in line with humanitarian standards (20 liters per person per day). Marie Gaveriaux, a Veoliaforce volunteer, was in the field at the end of June to train Solidarités International teams in the deployment of Aquaforces. She talks about her experience.

"We come back from every mission stronger than ever, because we always have something to learn in the field, both technically and on a human level."