An initial integration contract… and much more

To help integration contract employees find work “like everyone else” after their first two years, the association “Emplois Services/Ménages Services” is creating its own hiring structure.

Social and Employment

3rd, 6th and 8th arrondissements of Lyon, France

Bruno Giraudel

15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2004/11/30

Project leader

Emplois Services/Ménages Services

« The demand for services from dependent individuals and single-parent households is high in the arrondissements of Lyon where the association is active, and there is no competition. Association leader Salem Abdellaoui is optimistic in its ability to find and keep customers. »

Bruno Giraudel

Despite good intentions and words of encouragement, it its not always easy to find lasting employment on the traditional job market after an integration contract. Since 1997, the Lyon-based integration association “Emplois Services/Ménages Services” has been all too familiar with this reality. Even with its eight-person support structure and assistance from public authorities, it has unfortunately not been able to help all its former employees find jobs with “normal” contracts (CDD (fixed term) or CDI (open)), at the end of their two-year integration contracts.

Reaching out to the mobility-challenged

Emplois Services/Ménages Services decided to solve the problem itself by founding a second association, MS-Dom (Upkeep and services at home), which will give open contracts to those who just ended their integration contracts. Along the way, volunteers will gain training in housekeeping, ironing, meal preparation, and more, for a broad public. They will provide these services to the mobility-challenged (elderly or dependent individuals) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to these first few services, new employees will provide mobility assistance and help perform daily tasks (not including medical care).
In partnership with the Fondation de France, the Fondation Macif and the departmental work division (DDTEFP), the Veolia foundation will help MS-Dom obtain all the equipment necessary to fitting out the new association's head office. In the three coming years, MS-Dom hopes to create ten to twelve open contract positions.