Close to 150 people attended the official opening of the social biscuit factory on 12 April in rue Charles Delescluze in Paris’ 11th arrondissement. Scheme employees, representatives of the local town hall, managers from the not-for-profit sector and the management of La Cloche, the organisation behind the project, were delighted to witness the launch of this new back-to-work scheme supported by the Veolia Foundation.
As a socially responsible employment access scheme, the biscuit factory offers employment suited to homeless people, as their working hours increase gradually over time and they receive individual support under the auspices of the Premières Heures* initiative. The employees make organic biscuits using spelt flour. The aim is to offer paid work appropriate to the circumstances of vulnerable and excluded social groups. The biscuits are then sold directly to the general public via Le Carillon’s network of retail businesses and on the www.laclochebiscuits.org website.
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Find out more about the Veolia Foundation's support for this project.
*The Premières Heures (first working hours) scheme aims to offer work assignments, via an employment contract, to homeless people. Getting back to work is a gradual process. The scheme employees start by working four hours a week, reaching 26 hours a week over the course of a year. The idea is to create a personalized pathway back to paid work suited to each individual’s circumstances.