Promoting awareness of the problems faced by the humanitarian sector

Humanitarian & Development

  • Location:


  • Sponsor:

    Thierry Vandevelde

  • Grant:

    €15,000 on 10/05/2023

Project leader

Défis humanitaires

Humanitarian aid has gradually established itself as a sector in its own right, with its own dynamics, players and funding.  In 2018, Alain Boinet, founder of the NGO Solidarités International, created an information, analysis and forecasting platform dedicated to this often little-known activity. Called "Défis humanitaires", the site stands at the crossroads of action, experience, analysis and research. Its aim is threefold: to promote humanitarianism, to reflect on the link between geopolitics and humanitarianism, and to decipher the major challenges we face. 

Since its creation, Défis Humanitaires has published over a hundred contributions by authors, experts and humanitarian leaders, in French and English. It has also produced a ground-breaking study of humanitarian NGOs in France.

To be accessible to a growing number of readers (around 40,000 by 2022), the association that publishes the site wants to strengthen its capacity to write articles, interviews, surveys, studies and proposals.  The project, supported by the Veolia Foundation, is designed to raise awareness of the challenges facing the humanitarian sector.

"Défis humanitaire" is particularly useful at a time when the context and modalities of intervention for emergency humanitarian actors are in upheaval. This medium is a vehicle for raising awareness of the solutions and expertise of foundations in crisis management and access to essential services.
Thierry Vandevelde