Humanitarian and Development
Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
Christian Brandebourger
€10,000 to the Selection Committee at 2010/06/22
Project leader
Comité de Jumelage-Coopération-Bittou
Presented and carried out by the Comité de Jumelage-Coopération-Bittou, the project aimed to drill a well and refurbish the health infrastructures of the village of Bittou, in the center-east of Burkina Faso, is being conducted in partnership with the local Mission of Châteauroux to allow joint implementation in the areas of outreach and social action.
The role of the Comité is to promote and develop relations and exchanges between the twin cities of Châteauroux and Bittou, that of the local Mission of Châteauroux (which belongs to the national network of local Missions), is defined by the State as a public service mission for socioprofessional counseling of young people aged 16 to 25.
The Comité de Jumelage Coopération Châteauroux-Bittou, which has been active for over 25 years, is involved in supporting initiatives promoting the development of various sectors - including health, water and sanitation. The chief technical and financial partners of the Comité are the Ministry for Health of Burkina Faso and the city of Châteauroux.
Mobilizing for others also means taking charge of oneself
The project designed by Comité de Jumelage-Coopération-Bittou fulfils a dual objective: humanitarian action and a stimulating adventure for the eight 18 to 25 year olds concerned. The candidates will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated motivation, their sensitivity to the cause underlying the project, and the relevance of this action with regard to their own career development.
The goals of the project can be expressed in two words: integration, and solidarity. Mobilizing the young people around a theme of solidarity allows an educational approach in a different sociacultural environment, promoting teamwork; refurbishing the dispensary, the Social Center and four kindergartens, equipping the dispensary with small surgical equipment, drilling a well equipped with a pump.
This is a structured project for the promotion of development support activities for access to drinking water and healthcare, in which the players are also the beneficiaries.
The Veolia Foundation has been approached for the drilling of the well and the refurbishment of the village healthcare center. Technical support on the preparation of the project and the drilling of the well was also provided.