Environment and Biodiversity
Castres and Gaillac, Tarn, France
Éric Caset-Caricaburu
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/04/03
Project leader
Ménage Service Castres
« The demand for services from dependent individuals and single-parent households is high in the arrondissements of Lyon where the association is active, and there is no competition. Association leader Salem Abdellaoui is optimistic in its ability to find and keep customers. »
Bruno Giraudel
Many women in the Tarn district are unemployed.Often, they come from branches of activity suffering a long term crisis (textile industry, leather, dewooling, etc.).And for many of them, a low level of schooling, advanced age, prolonged idleness, or nationality, pose further obstacles to finding a job.
Familiar with these situations, Oxygène, a temp integration agency that is very active in the Tarn district, has formed an association.The idea: to work upstream and welcome persons lacking the skills necessary to assume a company job directly.Their target is primarily unskilled women.
The Ménage Service Castres integration association was thus created in 2006.Focusing on personal services, the structure has an agreement, set at the start of its activity, for eight rehire jobs, but wants to boost the figure quickly to thirty.
Advantages of the project
The persons employed by Ménage Service will be accompanied socially and technically during their two-year integration itinerary. They will then be eligible either for skills training, or to join Oxygène, with the ultimate object of lasting employment.
Potential activities are varied, and not simply confined to housekeeping. The association plans to develop new activities: aid for moving, and computer skills to help elderly persons. Besides, it will familiarize the employees with environmental conservation in a work setting: intelligent waste management and the use of ecological cleaning products, for example.
Practically speaking, Ménage Service will first operate in Castres and Gaillac, where premises have been leased. The investment budget assisted by the Veolia foundation will help equip the reception and conference rooms, buy computer hardware, management software, office equipment, cleaning accessories, and a vehicle. It also includes the cost of information and advertising supports. At the start, in each locality, two persons will run the operation (reception, social and technical accompaniment, customer relations). Subsequently, the association plans to spread its activity throughout the district.