Social and Employment
Rhafsia, Morocco
Michel Boutant
5 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/04/03
Project leader
Seconde Vie
"Seconde Vie's approach is simple, direct and absolutely clear. The idea is to positively transpose our professional activity to an emerging country: thanks to the association, young Moroccans will soon be able to benefit from a school bus. At Citram (Veolia Transport), this initiative has enabled the thirty employees mobilized to enjoy a joint adventure, outside their own professional activity. By joining hands to collect the equipment, they get to know and like each other better. The project is a novel one and is led by two staff delegates who managed to persuade me: the coach was sold to the association for a token euro."
Michel Boutant
School attendance demands the ability to reach school. At Rhafsia, in the heart of Morocco, the young girls have no priority in school busing and therefore stay at home, like the boys of the poorest families. Seconde Vie has mobilized to open the doors of the school for them. Led by two employees of the Transport branch of Veolia Environnement in Poitou-Charentes, the association has obtained the right to recycle one of the agency's disused coaches.
Many employees mobilized
Once the vehicle is overhauled, it will be conveyed to Morocco. And to complete its action, the association plans to send it fully loaded: the members of the Seconde Vie, office colleagues and two project initiators, have collected and restored bicycles and pedal motorcycles that will be also be offered to the young Moroccans. In this way, those who don't get on the coach can go to school on two-wheelers. The bus will also bring clothing, school supplies, computers, etc.
To finance its project, the association has launched many events: flea markets, a lottery, scrap sales. To accompany the mobilization of the Veolia Transport employees, the fondation Veolia has granted Seconde Vie the sum of 5 000 euros.