Social and Employment
Kafudini, Kenya
François Brianchon, Veolia Propreté
20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2005/10/04
Project leader
ADEK (Association pour le développement de l'école de Kafudini)
« While some of our children moan about having to go to school, we should remember that many children dream of being able to do just that. We give our own children so much but we could also help others. This project will give entire families a much needed boost. »
François Brianchon
For schoolchildren living in the Kenyan countryside and indeed for those in many other African countries, the journey from home to school can be long and arduous.
In Kafudini, a large isolated village lying some 60 km from Mombassa, many of the 700 schoolchildren have to walk over 15 km to school every day. When they finally get there, they have to attend lessons seated on the ground in buildings which are totally dilapidated due to a shortage of funds.
A group effort
After visiting the school on holiday, Mr and Mrs Lamotte were inspired to set up Adek (association for the development of the Kafudini school) in liaison with the teaching staff and a parents' group. They work together on building the school's future with decent administrative offices, new buildings, electricity and 23 classrooms equipped with the kind of teaching materials which are sadly lacking. Launched in March 2005, the project is monitored locally by a former pupil, who has become a regular contact and a manager of the "Kafudini Selfmaid Group", a local structure charged with overseeing conduct of the work and acquiring educational and sports equipment.
In France, Adek raises funds needed to ensure the project's success. Alongside numerous other companies and private individuals, the Veolia foundation has decided to make a contribution: the 20,000 euros in funding covered the cost of roofing work.Since then, the rainy season will no longer disrupt classes.
From the school to the dispensary
Begun in early 2005, the new educational facility dedicated to the primary school started to take shape in the month of May.The roof of was set down in 2006, and the classrooms reserved for secondary school students were then built in turn, together with the sports facilities.Another significant improvement: handicapped children have not been overlooked.A special section now welcomes them so that they can follow virtually normal schooling.
And finally, in 2007, the project to build a school dispensary was inaugurated.
These various improvements, indispensable for the life of the schoolchildren, were also useful for the grown-ups: since the old school had been completely destroyed, they managed to retrieve the building materials that could be recycled.So that starting with the school, the life of the whole village community was substantially improved in the final months.