Social & Employment
- Location:
Rennes (France)
- Sponsor:
Armelle Perrin-Guinot
- Grant:
3 000 € to the Selection Committee on 6 April 2022 (Student Solidarity Award 2022)
Project Leader
With its Kanndi Karr project, the student association Sowers is banking on a mobile laundry service to reach out to people in precarious situations. It operates in the Rennes metropolitan area.
By bringing together students from the 3A school in Rennes, the Sowers association intends to carry out projects with an impact on its territory. It works in conjunction with the city of Rennes as well as other partners, notably the SIA 35 association (an association for social integration based in Rennes), to help isolated people, with or without housing.
More specifically, it was interested in the theme of hygiene. It has launched the Kanndi Karr project ("laundromat" in Breton): a utility vehicle that is to be converted into a mobile laundry service for vulnerable people. The vehicle will be fitted with two washing machines and two dryers.
The aim is to reach out to people in precarious situations by offering a laundry service. In addition to a hygiene service, the time spent in a machine is also a pretext for a moment of conviviality and sharing. The beneficiaries have clean clothes. They gain self-esteem.
The Kanndi Kar project was awarded the 2022 Student Solidarity Prize by the Veolia Foundation.