Social & Employment
- Location:
Ambert (France)
- Sponsor:
Morgan Bolatre
- Grant:
5,000 € by the 06/04/2022 Selection Committee
Project Leader
In Ambert, in the Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park, the Association for the Defence and Protection of Donkeys (Adada) has taken on the mission of integrating people in great difficulty who are often out of touch with the working world. The objective is twofold: to offer them training and to reintegrate them in a way that respects the animal and the environment.
A very old association for the defence and protection of donkeys, Adada has a thousand members in France and abroad. It pursues three objectives: to love donkeys, to make them loved and to protect them, to develop actions of integration around the animal cause, and to participate in the maintenance of biodiversity by preserving grassland areas.
Some 350 donkeys live in the refuge created by the association where they are cared for and educated, in order to be offered for adoption, with the exception of donkeys that are too old or ill, for which the association guarantees accommodation and care for life.
The association maintains 52 meadows in ten communes; this maintenance is partly carried out by people in great difficulty, often out of touch with the world of work. Integration is therefore an essential part of the association, which supports these people by providing them with training. They are in contact with various groups such as people in retirement homes, children from day-care centres or people with disabilities. It is this aspect of integration and social link that the Veolia Foundation has chosen to support.