In December 2020, the schooner Tara left its home port, Lorient, for the scientific expedition Mission Microbiomes, dedicated to the study of the marine microbiome and its interactions with chemical and plastic pollution. Despite a complicated health context, sailors and scientists, with the support of the Foundation's shore team, were able to carry out 18 scientific legacies between the South American continent, Antarctica and Africa and raise awareness of thousands of people about the protection of the Ocean.
🎬 From 2.30 pm, follow the return of the schooner Tara for her last moments at sea before returning to her home port (around 3.30 pm).
Why should the general public and public authorities be made aware of the need to protect the ocean?
Because the ocean absorbs heat and allows us to survive on Earth. But the state of the ocean is affected by the climate and the uses we make of it. Knowledge is an essential tool for understanding and anticipating the future.
To reinforce this knowledge and refine our predictive models, Tara is an essential watchdog. From expedition to mission, with the support of the Veolia Foundation, the schooner has become a permanent witness to the state of the ocean. Discoveries have multiplied, thanks to a fertile scientific network, crossing private and public sectors.
This partnership approach, born of an unwavering desire to share knowledge and know-how, is the condition for a common future. Because ecological transformation is a collective adventure.

Photo de têtière © Marin Le Roux-polaRYSE - Fondation Tara Ocean