Veolia Foundation's Water and Sanitation activities in Burkina Faso

The Veolia Foundation works in 10 of the country's 13 regions and helps local communities to gain drinking water and sanitation access skills. Three of the foundation's priority areas across the whole country are bolstering local governance in the water sector, consolidating hydraulic and sanitation infrastructure, and supporting the country's water industry professionals.

2016 population: 18.6 million
 (Source: World Bank)

24 projects carried out

30 skills-based sponsorship person days
€492K financial sponsorship (the foundation's financial contribution)

131,565 beneficiaries

Sahel Region : Soum, Oudalan, Seno, Yaqha

Gorguel, Dalla, Senaikaye and N'goroua, Soum Province

  • The initiatives
    1) Improve access to drinking water by drilling four working boreholes in four villages, and a cased well in one of the project villages.
    2) Help organise local communities to manage the boreholes and drinking water supply via facilitation and training.
    3) Improve water access for livestock by deepening a natural pond in a fourth village and help organise water management.
  • Main partners: Amitié Solidarité Savoie-Sahel
  • Foundation's funding: €30K

Gorom Gorom district in Oudalan Province


  • The initiatives: Prevent "water wars" and ensure that water is free. Not all the villages in the district of Gorom Gorom are equipped with wells. Working with Cap Solidaire, ICE3AL (Europe, Asia, Africa & Latin America Institute for Cooperation) has increased the number of water supply points and is planning to install eight wells fitted with hand pumps in the villages with no water to date. The artesian wells that have been built mean that dozens of women no longer have to trudge to collect water every day. The water is hauled up and is accessible free of charge to everyone, thus restoring equality between the villages.
  • Main partners: ICE3AL
  • Foundation's funding: €30K


  • The initiatives: Improve water access by drilling six boreholes with six market gardens (and supplying seeds to be sown), and with six drinking troughs. Key point: the foundation will not be making any additional financial contributions in the future. The pumps, for instance, only require basic maintenance, i.e. greasing once a year. As for the seeds, they are retrieved, dried and reused. The initiative shows that with guaranteed water access, stockbreeding can become self-supporting.
  • Main partners: Cap Solidaire International
  • Foundation's funding: €25K

Markoye district in Oudalan Province

  • The initiatives: Installation of adequate irrigation so that a market garden can be planted and a hectare of crops can be grown in the middle of the Sahel. Drip irrigation is used, drawing on a reservoir supplied by a borehole (6m3/h) and a solar pump. Solely operated by the women from Markoye Market Gardening Grouping.
  • Main partners: L’Eau Partagée.
  • Foundation's funding: €20K


South-west regions: Ioba, Bougouriba, Poni, Noumbiel

Gaoua district, Poni Province

  • The initiatives: Supply drinking water to 12 rural villages in Gaoua (60,000 residents of whom 40,000 live in the 56 villages belonging to the urban area) by drilling 12 boreholes. 66% of the villages lack a modern water supply point.
  • Main partners: Twinning - Fontenay-le-Comte / Gaoua
  • Foundation's funding: €23K

North region: Yatenga, Loroum, Zondoma, Passoré

Ouahigouya district, Yatenga Province

  • The initiatives:
    1/ Improve drinking water access in Ouahigouya district.
    2/ Secure the long-term future of the hydraulic structures by building the capacity of the local organisations that manage them.
    3/ Improve the district's contracting capacity for drinking water sector management.
  • Main partners: Chambéry Ouahigouya.
  • Foundation's funding: €50K


Centre North: Namentenga, Sanmatenga, Bam

Kongoussi, Bam Province

  • The initiatives: Secure water supply while building a youth education and training centre in Kongoussi. This takes the form of fitting out an existing borehole, building a water tower, and installing a water conveyance system which serves both the buildings and market gardens around the site.
  • Main partners: A. F. E. C. (Association Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes- Frères Lassaliens)
  • Foundation's funding: €30K

11 isolated villages in Pibaoré district in Sanatenga Province

  • The initiatives: Drill four boreholes equipped with India or Volanta type hand pumps.
  • Main partners: BURKINA 35
  • ​Foundation's funding: €10K

Issaogo, Sanmatenga Province

  • The initiatives: Drill a borehole to make the health centre (built by the non-profit Lafilavie) self-sufficient for water, and enable the buildings to be supplied with water and power.
  • Main partners: LAFILAVIE
  • Foundation's funding: €10K

Barsalogho, Sanmatenga Province

  • The initiatives: Build a new hydraulic structure in the Barsalogho health district.
  • Main partners: Ouaga‘
  • Foundation's funding: €7.5K


Central Plateau Region: Ganzourgou, Oubritenga, Kourweogo

Kabouda, Ganzourgou Province

  • The initiatives: Equip the village of Kabouda with a water conveyance system. The project involves restoring a reservoir for irrigation, replenishing groundwater and installing a mini drinking water distribution network (with a network of standpipes managed by an operative) supplemented by ad-hoc connections to public buildings.
  • Main partners: Harnes Kabouda
  • Foundation's funding: €60K

Villages of Digré in Ganzourgou Province

  • The initiatives: Drill a well for water supply and the market garden for the school canteen and the grouping of 10 female market gardeners.
  • Main partners: A.D.V.Z (Association de développement pour les villages de Zorgho)
  • Foundation's funding: €5K

Centre Region: Kadiogo Province, with the capital city Ouagadougou

Village of Vadg-Yiri, 15km from the rural district of Tanghin Dassouri (20km from Ouagadougou)

  • The initiatives: Set up a primary school with three classes and equip it with furniture (desks and benches) and desks for the teachers, with an adjoining well and latrines, and a millet mill.
  • Main partners: Le Grain
  • Foundation's funding: €5K


  • The initiatives: Provide 18 schools with latrines so that the 5,600 children in the district can attend school in a healthy environment.
  • Main partners: Espoir Jeune Burkinabe
  • Foundation's funding: €4.5K

Outskirts of Ouagadougou

  • The initiatives: Fit a water pumping system connected to a borehole. Project developed by a sixth form college vocational course teaching staff and a local NGO.
  • Main partners: Lycée professionnel de Saint Aignan
  • Foundation's funding: €3K


Centre-west region: Sissili, Ziro, Sanguie, Boulkiemde

Kokologho, Boulkiemdé Province

  • The initiatives: Set up a multi-functional platform to connect to the grid and water supply Teed Beoogo agricultural training centre.
  • Main partners: Voyages Séjours Découvertes
  • Foundation's funding: €8K

Bouloum-Nabyiri, Boulkiemdé Province

  • The initiatives: Borehole to supply the health centre and maternity hospital with adequate sustainable drinking water access.
  • Main partners: Burkina h2O
  • Foundation's funding: €7.5K

Zoula, Sanguié Province

  • The initiatives: 42m borehole to supply Sainte-Thérèse School with drinking water. The water used to date by the school was from a neighbouring open-air well that provided relatively bad quality water. The water was used by the school canteen for want of anything better.
  • Main partners: Terre Partagée
  • Foundation's funding: €5K


Centre-east : Kouritenga, Boulgou and Koulpelogo

District of Tenkodogo, Boulgou Province

  • The initiatives: Create a reservoir on a former backwater to more sustainably supply water by increasing groundwater levels in the wells and boreholes, meet the water needs of the local community, and consolidate and bolster agro-pastoral activities in the local area.
  • Main partners: Comité de Jumelage Coopération Rivière Ouéguédo (communauté de communes de Chinon-37) (twinning arrangement)
  • Foundation's funding: €20K

Bittou village, Boulgou Province

  • The initiatives: Drill an operational borehole and renovate health infrastructure.
  • Main partners: Comité de Jumelage Coopération Bittou (ville de Châteauroux-36) (twinning arrangement)
  • Foundation's funding: €10K

Hauts-Bassins Region: Kenedougou, Houet ,Tuy

Karangasso-Vigué district in Houet Province

  • The initiatives
    - Institutional support to bolster local governance by structuring services in Karangasso Vigué district.
    - Bolster hydraulic and sanitation infrastructure and build two new simplified drinking water conveyance sites, and several hundred latrines.
  • Main partners: ADAE (Association pour le Développement des Adductions d'Eau potable)
  • Foundation's funding: €90K

Houndé, Tuy Province

  • The initiatives: Improve the decentralised drinking water supply and sanitation service in southern Burkina-Faso in seven outlying rural villages in Houndé.
  • Main partners: ADAE (Association pour le Développement des Adductions d'Eau potable Bobo)
  • Foundation's funding: €20K

La Boucle du Mouhoun Region: Sourou, Kossi, Banwa, Nayala, Mouhoun, Balé

Bwan village in Mouhoun Province

  • The initiatives: As traditional wells can be sources of infection, dig a new well, going down to a depth of 80m. The well relieves the pressure on the village's only borehole which supplies water to 1,500 people.
  • Main partners: Yenenga
  • Foundation's funding: €10K

Zingan village, Boucle de Mounhoum

  • The initiatives : Set up a solar-powered pumping unit on an existing borehole. Construct a reservoir with a distribution system and standpipes.
  • Main partners: ALESA Desclaude - Association des Lycéens, Étudiants, Stagiaires et Apprentis du lycée Georges Desclaude (Saintes en Charente-Maritime)
  • Foundation's funding: €8.5K